“Patrick Curry Apr 13 at 7:08 PM
I have been fortunate enough to have utilized Erik for over two years on all my property videos.
He is detailed, professional and always delivers the best videos and editing I could ask for.
Love him!
Patrick Curry
Windermere Real Estate / NW,Inc.
cell: 206-227-5976
office: 206-448-6000
fax: 206-623-6533
Francie Zwicker 6/8/2015
We were in need of an aerial drone photographer for a Premier Listing of a 9,000 sq ft Estate overlooking the Sound in Snohomish County. Erik came highly recommended to us through Vista Estate Imaging and he was responsive and very informative. He was able to help us with the aerial shots within a week and the images exceeded our expectations! His work added so much value to our listing and captured the true essence of this gorgeous home.
Erik was such a pleasure to work with and have opened our eyes to the power of aerial drone photography!
We will be using his services more on our upcoming listings!
Thank you, Erik!
Francie Zwicker Sales & Listing Assistant Vestus, LLC / Windermere Real Estate
Hi Erik,
I received your link and have viewed the photos – THEY ARE GREAT! Thank you again.
Lynette Thomas
Premier Director Equestrian | Homes on Acreage | Residential Windermere Real Estate/Mill Creek, Inc. 425.953.4090
June 18 2015 Sandi Miles Erik Vision you are an amazing photographer, thank you so very much.
Bruce Phares
"Just finished a fun-filled drone shoot of this magnificent Woodway Park..." another great seattle listing from BruceandDonna.com!
"Great work by Erik Vision of Phenix films!"
Erik, a true pleasure working with you. Thanks for your great ideas and production suggestions. I'm always nervous meeting a possible new member of our team that turn to, but by way of a recommendation here, I was immediately at ease by your humor, confidence and ease of communication. I'll be recommending you to all of the brokers I can, and hope this is a long and mutually rewarding friendship! We launched the listing today and the website with your video goes live in just a few minutes. Here we go! www.bruceanddonna.com/MadronaCastle.htm
"Phenix Films is an invaluable addition to my sales and marketing efforts. Frankly, I'd rather my competition not know about his aerial imagery services because using it helps maintain a strategic competitive advantage. In addition to providing truly remarkable and novel imagery, Phenix Films, Erik Vision, is very easy to work with. I highly recommend this company! Matt Parker, Broker, Keller Williams Puget Sound"
Matt Parker Broker, Keller Williams Real Estate 206.226.8323
Erik has been a pleasure
to work with. He is always available when needed. I have
used his services when putting a new waterfront or luxury
property on the market.
"Veronique Hval" Windermere
(Non) Attack of the Drones yields unusual views
By Matt Parker
With international debate about the uses of drones, you might be skeptical of local artists testing the limits of drone media. One artist, however is exploring the power of drone technology with local real estate brokers from Keller Williams offices in South King County.
Drones are widely described as unmanned aerial vehicles. They have been primarily used by the U.S. military for years for surveillance and now air strikes. They range in size from about one foot in diameter to a "small plane." The drone used by local artist Erik Vision, Phenix Films, is a 16" diameter helicopter with four rotors. It travels in any direction the operator wants and has a range of about 1,000 feet.
"Phenix Aerial takes seriously the responsibility of discovery with morals. We will not produce media for you if you do not have permission to capture that media. We will not explore air space near or in forbidden air space."
This from Erik Vision of what he calls Phenix Films; a Seattle-based drone imagery company. They will get you drone photography at a fraction the cost of helicopter acquired media while adhering to any/all governmental and social regulations.
Currently, there is one main regulation: a height limit of 400' for "hobby" drones. Vision, though, tells us he has no interest in breaking any "social regulations" either. For example, taking a video or image of anything private.
At this point, most of his work has been artistic, along with several real estate photo shoots for high end real estate. Real estate brokers are contacting him nearly daily, he tells us, for imagery that will set their listings and their businesses apart from the rest.
"Phenix is committed to exploring new vantage points on our planet, while... respecting our privacy. We are committed to bringing you valuable insight and images..." To contact Vision and Phenix Films, find them on Facebook where you can see, nearly daily, new video and imagery.